
Miasma is a physical data visualisation presenting the death toll of airborne diseases by translating statistics into the fan blowing power. The project uses reports and open database of the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concering diseases: Tuberculosis, Measles, Covid-19, MERS-CoV. Created as a diploma project at Creative Coding postgraduate course / School of Form.
Project supervisor: Jakub Koźniewski
Photos: Maciej Jędrzejewski (11:11 Photography)
Video: Bartłomiej Sołtysiak (Hola Hola Film)
Soundtrack: Maciek Stępniewski
Special thanks to: ZODIAK Warsaw Pavilion of Architecture,
Krzysztof Cybulski, Zofia Kurczych

©Nicola Cholewa  |  contact@nicolacholewa.pl